Is it possible to have a hangover from sugar?

Because I think I have sugar hangover.

Last night was the company holiday party. The National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center hosted over 2000 consultants from three offices in Loundon and Fairfax counties. In theory, the party was really cool, they had millions of dollars worth of all kinds of food…sushi, lampchops, steak, crab, tenderloin, ribs, wild game, two different bands and a dj, about a dozen open bars, and dozens upon dozens of desserts.

The food was insane!

I don’t think I’ll ever eat anything sweet ever again…my head is killing me!

I don’t think I’ll go again next year. It was kind of fun, but all that excess food…and NONE of it was healthy…I don’t think my body could stand another night of such things! I felt like a glutton!

LOL I especially felt bad because I was listening to a radio show about how sugar is bad for you on the way to the party…

The company is doing right by people though. They’re donating all the extra food to local shelters which is good. I hope they can process it better than me!

In other news…

You might notice things look a little different around here. I hadn’t updated to a brand new layout in a second so I thought a change was ready to come.

Green, green everywhere!

LAWD, this is going to be a long day…NEVER AGAIN!

I swear I’m setting up camp in my bed and will refuse to move ALL WEEKEND LONG!

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