Midweek Observations


The sun came out today! Yay!

I got to enjoy it for about an hour before I had to go into my office with no window…

Even though it’s a nice 60 degrees outside right now, I hear it’s supposed to snow again this weekend which once again halts my plans to go test-drive a few KaNisa mobiles. I’d like to at least make strides in that direction…there are sales now! People are clearing the way for the 08’s! I need to help!

In other news…

Steve Harvey was out of control this morning!

This morning’s strawberry letter was about a member of the Nation of Islam falling in love with a woman he connected with spiritually, emotionally, pexually, everything. She worked with him and his civil rights initiatives and was just really down for liberating Black people. He said she made him and everyone around him feel “10 feet tall” and just all these wonderful things…

Then he said she was of the Caucasian Persuasion.

Steve…LMAO…he was just so wrong…called the poor girl “Becky X.” LMAO!

I think that might have to be a KaNisa-ism

Becky-X – Caucasian Persuasion female who is down for the Black cause of psychological liberation from Anglo-Saxon or Western philosophy.

TOO funny…

Personally my views about interracial dating has changed throughout my short life. At first I didn’t mind it since I was just about the only Black person around. Now though, I just cannot see myself dating anyone outside the African Diaspora…ESPECIALLY not Caucasian Persuasions. For some reason just the thought of it makes me think about Black women during slavery times…the whole Massah knocking on the door type thing…

…and uncooked meat.

Outside of me I’m not TOO bothered by it…except when people say “I don’t date Black women/men because they are all the same as that one bad experience I had.” I was reading some website and all these Black dudes were like ” I only date white women because they aren’t as bossy as Black women…”

What kind of phukery is that?

Also, it bothers me when dudes date white women because they are “inaccessible”…kind of the antithesis of Black women don’t date white men because of slavery rapes: a Black man WILL date white women because they were inaccessible back in the day.

I saw an interracial couple at the mall the other day. It was a Leroy and Becky. He was holding her arm like she was a trophy as if to say “look what I got!” For reference, this is someone with Leroy ish tendencies:

I wasn’t hating at all, but I was thinking “come on dude.” What is better than a soulful, curvy, sexy, Black woman?

But that’s just me.




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