Lazy Sunday


Today has been a pretty good day. Since I had issues with my internal time clock, I attempted to stay awake for about a day or so…didn’t quite make it though.

After poking around the innanet for a while, I decided to turn off the computer and not mess with it too much today. Instead, I set up camp in my living room; I put the Bose on the local jazz station, turned on the fireplace, and settled under a blanket to read.

As usual, reading turned into sleeping after a while, but I don’t think it was the kind of sleep that you actually feel rested from…it’s like sleeping in the car. You’re “resting” but you’re still aware of what’s going on around you.

By the way, you might notice the distorted image of the pretty girl in the top left corner of your screen…I didn’t want it to be TOO distinguishable as I’m not trying to have stalkers, but there’s an idea of what my hair looks like if you were curious. According to the package, it also can be straightened, but that takes too much work.

. . .

And just in case you wanna be startn’ something…I have had 7 years of Tae Kwon-Do training and am also a past 5 state regional champion in various sparring, kata, and weapon categories.

I might be pint sized, but I pack a mean blow!

That is all.

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