Boo + Boo = Boo Boo


Man, if I ever complained about being bored at work, I would like to apologize. Not having anything to do would be a blessing right now.

I haven’t really done anything besides stare at my computer for the past few weeks (first weeks on the new job), but this week, I really got thrown into the fire…a fire that required me to work overtime to 11 hour days every day of the week so far…(except today of course…which actually makes “every day of the week” just two days but whatever)…

Such is the life of a graphic designer consultant.

It’s actually kind of interesting. I was hired as a “consultant” but I’m really just the resident multimedia person for my team. I basically do the same thing I did in college… (I’m the go to person for people who need websites, flyers /slick sheets in the business world, powerpoint templates, etc.) but this time my main client is the US Government, or to be specific, the Department of Defense.

It’s not that glamorous, trust me.

This week though, stuff has been busy. A team came to me needing the impossible done in about 24 hours. Of course I slaved on it as that’s the type of person I am, but in the end, they ended up going in a completely different direction because of a marketing issue. For now they’re going back to the drawing board and will probably contact me the day before the deadline next week.


Now I wouldn’t mind usually as I haven’t quite sunken into a life outside of work yet, but I’ve got another project that requires me to be in Maryland next week…

AND on top of all of this, I’m coming down with a cold!

So yeah, Boo + Boo = Boo Boo.

At least I have something to do now though!


I’m sad Melly Mel didn’t win Dancing With the Stars. For some reason, I really like her.

I heard on the radio that 1 in 20 people in DC are HIV positive. Kind of puts a damper on me dating new people (not that I’m going to jump in the sack with them right away, but I’m not sure what I’d do if I got attached to someone I couldn’t safely have kids with…)

There are more rumblings of spanking being outlawed in some states. I’m a product of at least weekly whoppings as I was a curious child..and I have to say I turned out pretty well…

My mother just called. She says my sister who was sick during Thanksgiving has Mono. Guess I should go to the doctor sometime soon to get checked out.


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