My Roots are Deeper than My Hood

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One of the best things about being in a BGLO are the partnerships your org makes with different business. A few months ago, AKA partnered with African Ancestry, giving us $100 off testing fees and $50 off for our “friends” (let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you the link). The process itself is quite interesting. African Ancestry sends you a packet that includes tools to extract DNA (you just scrape your cheek like you did in your high school or college bio class). You send the sample back to them, and they are able to tell you what part of Africa you’re from.

This is the same test Oprah and ‘nem did back in the day. I believe she said she was from Liberia or something…

GAM did it a while back and found out he was from Nigeria, specifically the Yoruba tribe.

It’s pretty amazing that Black Americans are the only ones who don’t quite know where they’re from. I mean, we know we’re from Africa, but we don’t know what part. We were the only ones who were brought here against our will, and I think, the fact that we don’t know our history is a strong reason why we’re in the position we’re in today…notice how EVERYONE is required to learn European history…is it a coincidence that they seem to be the “ones in power” right now?

I think not.

They know the most about themselves and thus have a better grounding.

Is it a coincidence that the Black Diaspora are the ones who know the least about their history? Or that it’s all about assimilation and not about understanding and celebrating our own culture? Can you imagine what Black people would be like if we had the same or even more knowledge about our history and family traditions?

Can you say…”Kemet…”

Let me stop…

Anyway, I’ll let you know how my results turn out.

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1 Comment

  • November 7, 2007 at 10:18 am

    Hey, the natural hair post is a way. If you have any specific questions, leave me a comment and I’ll be happy to answer them!


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