Working Hard

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SO today was my first day of working in the real world. It consisted of orientation, meeting the boss, and “Christmas in November”…


Orientation was attended by 88 new associates at levels ranging from entry level consultants to managers and senior associates. Just at my table, there were people with 30+ years of experience in the industry as well as people even less experienced than I. Though everyone kept to themselves and were calculating of each other at fist, eventually everyone opened up and even the 60+ year old executive was cutting jokes about our boring HR people. It would have been okay if we didn’t have to sit for five hours and have all of our paperwork read to us…I mean all of us were degreed after all…but I suppose they wanted to make sure they covered all bases.


Did I mention that my boss is awesome? Just in case I didn’t, let me say it now, “my boss is awesome.” It’s really heartwarming to meet like minded individuals especially when you have something in artistic common. The senior consultant on my team and my direct supervisor have backgrounds in Fine Arts and thus are very “creatively minded” if you will. They’re cool as hail, and quite laid back…my boss even said I didn’t have to come in until 9:30 or 10 at the latest!

After showing me around the place, my boss took me to lunch at a Thai restaurant. I had Pad Thai for the first time as well as some kind of spicy soup…apparently my team goes out to eat a lot due to the generosity of “Uncle Bo.oz” and they tend to like a variety of restaurants. We’re going out again later this week when the whole team is on location, and next weekend, we’re going to Dave and Busters for “bonding and beer” as my boss calls it.


I know it’s probably standard for people working in corporate America to get certain things, but I was hekka excited to get a fully loaded laptop (with all the latest Adobe products), an incredible digital screen that orients itself depending on how you arrange it, a 120 GB external hard drive, my own office, a personal phone line, some business cards, and a huge box of office goodies, among other things…

I was like “WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” (in my head of course), lol.

I’m not a big fan of laptops, but I always did say, if someone gave me one, I’d “drive the wheels off of it.”

SO, so far, the job seems pretty excellent.

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1 Comment

  • November 6, 2007 at 1:29 pm

    Love it! Beer and bonding! I’d have to swich mine to Amaretto and bonding but it seems like you do have a cool boss. Thank goodness!


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