

God strikes again in a big way for the third time this year!

Strike #1: The entrance of GAM…
Strike #2: Making the dean’s list in my last semester of college when CLEARLY I did not feel like I’d done enough to come close to those kind of grades…
Strike #3: Providing me with a job I didn’t even apply for with a ridiculously excellent salary …

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again:

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever A-MEN!” Ephesians 3:20

So after the call yesterday, I had to play the waiting game about the salary and benefit options. I was a little concerned when the recruiter didn’t call back later the same day as she said she would…I thought maybe they found something in my background I didn’t know about…or that my first speeding ticket was too big of an offense lol…

But she came through this afternoon….

I’ll be starting my new job November 5th, and my salary is a wonderful number that will allow me to live quite comfortably despite the pricey North Virginia cost of living.

. . .

I’m going to be living RIGHT!

Now that it’s official I’ve begun telling people about my blessings…writing widespread emails, text messages, phone calls…

I’ve even decided to briefly rejoin Facebook as that is the fastest way to spread news…but only briefly.

I guess now it’s time to sift through all my college stuff that’s been packed up for a minute and figure out what I’ll take with me…

So much work to do…

But I’m ready!

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  • October 17, 2007 at 10:35 am

    Congrats! That’s sooo wonderful. I hope you’ll take us along for the ride.

  • October 19, 2007 at 10:19 pm

    Hey! Last time I was at your site, you were still in school and having problems with the “bug.” I’m glad to see life is progressing for you and you are doing well. Not sure where in Va you are moving, but I have a friend in Richmond.


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