Letters of Concern

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Dear Random Mix Tape CD Maker,

How are you? I’m fine. I’m not sure how I feel about you trying to sell my father these bootleg Rahopazz Cd’s. Yeah that’s right. I said, “Ra-hop-azz” (Rap/Hip Hop/Jazz). I mean, technically I suppose it’s some form of Jazz, but I regularly get confused with your jazzified versions of “Candy Shop” and other vulgar hippity hoppity songs.

Though I find this entire genre to be HILarious, I must admit, I do like your version of “Truth Is”…

I don’t know. Just stay away from “rap/ hip hop” genre please.

I don’t need to be hearing the jazz version of “F the Police”

Thanks so much!

Dear Lakeside Collections,

I must say, I am preliminarily impressed with you all. I’m currently repositioning myself for my job and have started to shop for some things to make my potential apartment look like home. Your prices are excellent! I’m sure the product will be a bit cheap, but it’s still acceptable for a person starting out in the real world.

Here’s what I bought from you so far…

For only 16.95, I got this set of attractive metal candle holders!


For only 23.95, I got this wonder trio of mirrors!


I will put my final endorsement of your company on hold until I receive these items, but so far, I am impressed!

Preciate ya,

Dear Subway,

Wuttup folks?

Okay. See back in the day Subway used to be all that. These days though, I’m not really feeling you all. I usually stand behind my Cold Cut Combo sandwich as I’ve been eating that for the past 10 years or so, but I never ventured too far away because your other sandwiches don’t seem that appealing to me. I’m actually starting to consider other sandwich shops…I want a little variety!

The only thing that’s holding me back is this 100 dollar gift card I have for your place…and since gift cards equal free food…

Just consider new material please. New sub type sandwiches…not spaghetti on bread.


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Piano Blues

1 Comment

  • September 25, 2007 at 8:35 pm

    ~ OH. MY. SWEET JESUS! Please tell me they did not jazzercise Drop it like it’s hot…they did…HOT MESS!
    ~ Congrats on the job!
    ~ I guess I won’t be too schitzo and remain serenity, but if one day I leave a comment as Justbreathe…know that my meds have run out! lol j/king. That’s my new sign name.


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