There’s a section in the Albany, GA newspaper for random comments from readers. It’s basically an anonymous sound box where people can write whatever they think about current events. As usual, South Georgia has proven that it is made up of some of the most ignorant and racist people in America.

Here are the comments about the Jena situation:

“Jail the Jena 6.”

“It is a sad day when the civil rights movement has to latch on to Michael Vick and the Jena 6 as its only causes. I remember when it was about the right to go to a decent school, to use public facilities, to vote.”

“How can I show my support of the Jena prosecutor for trying to put those criminals away for a long time?”

“Wouldn’t those Albany State students be better off staying here and getting an education that worrying about what’s going on in Jena, LA?”

“I don’t agree with the punishment for the Jena 6, but I don’t agree with Albany State supporting their behavior. Unless the students were defending themselves, there is no need for Albany State to get involved.”

“The bus loads going to Louisiana are promoting racism.”

People’s ignorance never ceases to amaze me. The thing that is most concerning was that there were no comments defending the Jena 6!

I submitted a couple of squawks for tomorrow’s newspaper (from multiple email addresses of course):

I guess if someone calls you the N word, pulls a gun on you, or “plays a prank” by hanging nooses on a tree (a symbol that is akin to the swastika), you’re supposed to let it all slide…Jena 6 is not a civil rights issue? Yeah right.

Are you kidding me? You squawkers really think the Jena 6 should be charged with second degree murder and thrown in jail for a schoolyard fight? The kid that got beat up was at a school function a few hours later!

Every black person in America should be concerned about the Jena 6. If the blatant racism there goes on unchecked, it will spread like wildfire. Those of you that think it was just about the fight need to wake up. An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere.

Albany wonders why it’s not a progressive city with good restaurants, ample jobs, or good entertainment…this ignorance is a prime example! What company would want to move here with all the racism and ignorance that permeates these hicks!

Sumbit a Squawk!

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