Woo ha!


Hoo lawd…

I just took a screening test for a job I’m trying to get and MAN that thing was tough!

It was a short test on HTML 4.0 and it was very specific. I honestly just don’t sit and straight code my web sites, I’m more front end based…making my layouts in Photoshop or Fireworks then tweaking in Dreamweaver. I can read through the code side of web sites to find things that are messing up the way my images fit together, and I can even plug in Java, Flash, forms, things of that sort…

But that test was seeing if I knew things like the difference between HTML 4.01 Transitional or HTML 4.01 Strict…

60% Gibberish to me…all that means to me is how things can be read on different platforms.

Then they came with some impossible questions like…

What would not be included on a web site intended for a Braille device.

Tableless layouts…


  • tags…
    Ambiguous answer choice

    . . .

    Fluff if I know!

    Luckily though, I scored well enough to get a proficient rating:

    Demonstrates a solid understanding of core concepts within this topic. Appears capable of working on most projects in this area with moderate assistance. May require some initial assistance with advanced concepts.

    The job was to be a Graphic Designer/Webmaster for a company in Norcross.

    We shall see.

    In other news, I don’t want to harp too much on what’s going down in the Bayou, but I will make a comment about something Prez. Bu.sh said today on the news.

    “”The events in Louisiana have saddened me, and I understand the emotions. The Justice Department and the FBI are monitoring the situation down there. And all of us in America want there to be, you know, fairness when it comes to justice.”

    Pshaw! Whateva! If the Black people get TOO organized, they’ll try to put some CRACK down there!



    CNN 8pm Eastern Judgement in Je.na BE THERE!

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