Blogger Day: Male Edition


I thogught I might point to penis related blog entires of note.

Chicken Wing Man – The Brutha Code

Speaking on the role of wingman when trying to “holla”.

…This muhfukkin rooster is SITTING in the middle of the street in the middle of the day. So you know how a brutha like me rolls….. I speeds da fukks up! Now, I’m no animal crueltier, but I was sho’ finna hit that rooster. And I fully expected him to jump up and runaway. I mean, he’s a rooster… which ain’t nuthin but a chicken with some strong ass vocal chords.

So here I am, in the middle of a Japanese country road, playing a game of chicken with a dayum chicken.

Do you know that muhfukka didn’t budge?!?!? He looked dead at me with that one eye on the side of his peanut head like “Nygga what…”

A touching story about a dating “intervention” performed on me.. – Humantiy Critic

“…” See I don’t even know if this based on a true story or what…but honest nonetheless

Ever since my father told me that Santa Claus didn’t exist and added, “If you do see a fat white fuck coming down our chimney trying to give you a “gift”, stab that motherfucker immediately because he’s a pedophile!!”, there isn’t much that I anxiously wait for each year. Birthdays suck when you get past 30, I haven’t remembered a New Years eve in years, but there is one event that I marked on my calender the same way I used to remind myself of my ex-girlfriends cycle before we went on vacation. That event, one that made me pull out my Sunday’s best for a few years straight, one that made me make sure that every dreadlock was in place, beard was trimmed, the one event where I acted like a perfect gentleman and hid the fact that I’m an insufferable prick. This place I talk about,where the fantasies of a child-like dreamer like myself came true as if I was a pre-teen sipping chocolate out of Willy Wonka’s pool and shit, is a yearly poetry party thrown by a couple that I have known since college.

Our Lady of Perpetual Missing the Fuc*ing Point (Nikilovely, 2005) – Bullet Proof Diva

People with penisis suck! They all want the boo-tay! BOOO penis! The penis responds…

It’s ok that you don’t entertain f*cking for sport, but I hope you’re not against it. There r beautiful, strong, usually independent women who do. What’s wrong with sustaining a meaningful f*ck budy relationship with a good very close friend? so long as you’re both honest and exclusively just involved with each other.

As a man, i’m guilty of keeping a woman at bay despite knowing that I don’t intend on going further/deeper into the relationship. So why not keep having sex with someone i know I can trust instead of running around chasing a number of different women? At least this way I know i’m safe.

Yes this sounds selfish but this is real life, everyone’s out to get theirs, forget what u heard. A lady just posted that men get away only with what u let them get away with. Though true, it’s the wrong way to look at it. If i’m dating a woman and things r ok but we both can see there’s no real future together, there r 2 options. break up, cheat or f*uck buddy. I don’t cheat. Breaking up is hard as hell especially if it’s someone intelligent, beautiful, and that u respect.

Laundry Day Dilemma

Sometimes I just don’t know about this dude. But he is constantly a laugh. Freeballing explained.

This past Saturday, I let something unacceptible occur: I procrastinated on doing my laundry. I waited until I only had two clean pair of underwear left. The reason these two pair were left is because they are flawed. One pair has a hole in them big enough for my testicles to slide out. The other pair was given to me as a gift. They are made of a kind of thick wool material. The problem is, it is way too hot right now to wear underwear that is the same consistency as a flannel lumberjack shirt. My balls might catch fire in something like that. The friction would kill any hope I have of ever having children. Mess around and shoot out liquid hot magma next time I have sex. That’s NEVER cool…

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