It is finish-ed!


It’s 7:29 AM.

I am finally finished and I think it’s my best flash movie, ever.

This creation was brought to you by the letter S.
(As I always make my most creative designs when I am stressed or anxious.)

It is also partially inspired by Mr. Marvin Gaye.
(Since I’ve had his What’s Going On and I Want You albums on repeat all week).

I am now going to bed.


My New and WAY improved portfolio

P.S. I’d appreciate some feedback of the “does it work” persuasion. I used some validators to check it and tried it out on different computers, but sometimes even that doesn’t catch everything. Specifically, I’m wondering if the links work properly. I’m especially interested in how it works on Mac based computers…

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  • September 7, 2007 at 9:16 am

    Your portfolio is da bomb!

    Thank ya! ;)

  • September 7, 2007 at 2:05 pm

    I check out your blog every blue moon. Your portfolio does work… and it’s very impressive! My partners and I have some business ventures in the works and we’ll need someone to design flyers, cd covers, and websites. I’ll definitely keep you in mind. I wish you much success on your job search too!

    Thanks Kev! Good luck with your ventures as well!

  • September 9, 2007 at 1:48 pm

    Damn gal…. you REALLY have skillz. The new site is GOOD. Like, very very good.

    Thank you Mr Harvard Man!


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