What’s up with that?


I’ve been watching more TV lately as constantly staring at my inbox for job responses has made me weary. Here’s some interesting things I’ve seen lately:

Hann.ah Mon.tana

I used to think that Dis.ney shows were a far cry from what they used to be. I mean we had The Mic.key Mou.se Club and Kid.s Incorpora.ted on back in the day! Nothing compared!


All of these current shows that are actually re-spins of the same idea.

Han.nah Mon.tana

Han.ah Monta.na is a show about an ordinary high school girl who is also a pop(?) star. Each episode is about how she balances her life in between the two.

The only thing I’m trying to figure out is how this show turned into a cross country tour. Di.sney has this girl at practically sold out concerts…she performs as both “Han.ah Mon.tana” and the “regular” character she plays…

For real? The show wasn’t even that entertaining!

But I guess it’s a welcome change that a kid like that can sell out a concert as she sings about friendship and loyalty instead of relations.

Hig.h Schoo.l Music.al

I’m sure you’ve heard about this one somehow…or else you’ve been living under a rock. I found myself strangely transfixed on this movie…I can’t entirely remember what it was about, but I was 2 seconds from getting up and learning the dance they teach during the commercial breaks.

THIS show has managed to sell millions of copies of its soundtrack and also has a cross country tour. Today, they’ll attempt to cash in again with the release of the sequel on the Disne.y Ch.annel. I guess I’ll have to see what it’s all about…you know…for research’s sake..

The Wo.nder Ye.ars

Now I’ve always been a fan of this show. Satellite TV’s Ion station as allowed me to watch it regularly again. I thought it was interesting that the two Savage kids (Kevin on the Wo.nder Year.s and Cory on Bo.y Me.ets Wo.rld) ended up having similar shows during their preteen/teen/20 something years. Now the older brother just looks like a pedophile to me though…I don’t know why.


Satellite TV is also great because of a channel called BET J. It’s a bit like what BET was SUPPOSED to be…it highlights jazz, R&B, Neo Soul…you know REAL music instead of that hippity hoppity stuff. They even have old episodes of Video Soul with Donnie Simpson on there!

Soulf.ood used to come on BET, but it’s made the jump to BET’s newer station. Now THAT is an entertaining show…it reminds me of my sisters and me except my eldest sister is a doctor rather than a lawyer.

Walker, Texas Ranger

Now I’m not a regular watcher of this show. In fact, I’m not even an occasional watcher. What I want to know is what’s up with that comma? Is it supposed to be Texas Ranger Walker? Is the comma supposed to represent a pause like “Bond, James Bond”? Should my name be KaNisa, College Graduate?

I’m just sayin…

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