Summer Breeze…


Is non existent. You all think it’s hot up in Atlanta? It’s NOTHING compared to South Georgia where not only is it hot, it’s incredibly humid from the daily thunderstorms AND in addition to that, we’re overrun with gnats!

It’s heck on earth, HECK ON EARTH I TELL YOU!

. . .

In other news…

I went to my first event as a young alumni. The Georgia Tech chapter of the Alumni Association held a send off BBQ for the new RATS (Recently Acquired Tech Students…it’s what we all freshman). I felt all old and wise…shaking my head when they said they’re skipping Calc I and all…

They will soon learn.

On the brighter side, I got recognized as the most recent graduate. They gave me nice GT drinking glasses…

The most Tech has EVER given me in the tangible sense.

I still don’t feel like a college graduate.

I figure it’ll kick in once I get a job and the bills start rolling in.

SO yeah, the days have been spent fixing websites ( has been revamped) and doing graphics for various organizations. I’m thinking of licensing my design business…but that may have to wait as that costs 900 bucks.

One day though, I’ll have a job and my own business on the side. I’ll use that side money for the dream wedding/honeymoon fund. I know the wedding is usually paid by the bride’s father, but he’s kinda cheap…

After marriage, that money will be used for the dream vacation fund….

Then for the kids college fund when I’m 32…

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