The Job Search

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Well I’m back in the A for a little while.

I went on interview number two for that short term loan company. I’m not entirely sure how it went. The guy I went to see was very friendly, honest, and open…it was more like I was going in to see a pal rather than a potential boss. I was also the first person he saw for the position though, so…you know how that goes. He was impressed by my design skills though. Unfortunately, the job won’t entail much of that…

We’ll see…

In other news…

It’s scorching hot in Joe-wah-ja. Heat indexes all the way up to 115. It’s ridiculous! It’s almost September! I would object by staying inside all day, but my mother keeps wanting to go places.

Father said I had the option to stay up here for a day so I think I’ll take him up on that and enjoy freedom from the tyranny of home. It’s their 31st wedding anniversary anyway. I’d rather not be at home while they’re having relations…

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1 Comment

  • August 13, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    I concur with the last sentence. I’m still tryin to wrap my mind around the fact that my mom did the horizontal polka more than once aka ME! *shuddering* I’m glad the interview went well!


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