The Unfortunates



We were discussing something in class the other day and the subject of chemical castration came up. I was like, “da hail?! I ain’t never heard of that before!”

Let’s explore…

According to Wikipedia,

Chemical castration is a form of temporary castration caused by certain hormonal drugs. It was developed as a temporary preventive measure or punishment, typically for male child sex offenders and rapists.

According to Jeffrey Kirchmeier, at least six states have experimented with chemical castration laws in the United States. Those states are California, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, and Montana.

Gird your loins, boys.

So what does it do?

The procedure involves getting injections of depo-provera, a drug more commonly used for birth control in women, in your booty,. It has the effect of depressing the sex drive in men, perhaps drastically.

Does it work?

“a reduction of testosterone levels results in a marked reduction in male aggression. The subjects were given a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist that lowers testosterone production and half of them exhibited reductions in anxiety and sexual desire.”

So…basically they turn into girls…temporarily.

I say they should still chop off their boys. I mean, how is it REALLY a punishment that you make someone not desire “relations” for a little while? Doesn’t that happen naturally every once in a while?


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