Truths I Hold to be Self-Evident…well today anyway


Some of these trees outside smell very much like my classmate who just pooted.

My PST professor has progressed to being a magnificent [c-word describing female privates].

Clive Owen is a quality actor because everything he’s in is golden. (Children of Man, Closer, Inside Man, etc…)

I always feel such camaraderie with the minority (non-black) greeks. Same Greek customs, terminology and everything! They’re like my little cousins!

It’s so annoying when people try to blame others for their own incompetence. If you aren’t doing what you’re supposed to be doing, own up to it and fix it for next time!

5 year olds should not be taught the “psssst/say” ritual. I wanted to take Ray Ray Jr. out when he tried that isht on me today…

The Caucasian persuasions had their greek musical program yesterday. I have to say, i was very impressed. There are some very talented Becky’s and Matt’s here….even though they don’t dress properly for the weather.

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