Wednesday Observations


It’s a celebration!

Exactly 2 months and one day until the anniversary of KaNisa. The double duces! I can’t believe I’ll be 23 next year…that’s so crazy… (And I can still pass for 12 for the child ticket price at the movies…)

Hits from Google are questionable

Start counter tells no tales. Here are a few of the website queries that led people here:

“females prefer big bouncy testicles”

“what does a clitoris tear look like”

“sexy black freaks”


Quote Brings Back Memories

“My Sunlight, My Storm, My Star.”

Back in the day, I used to REALLY be in to Orlando Bloom (the actor who played Legolas in Lord of the Rings). I along with about 30 other females and a few “tambourine players” were members of a message board that shared news about him and other LOTR actors. One day someone suggested a fan fiction story for me to read, citing that I might identify with it. It was about a cynical girl and her unlikey romance with Mr. Bloom. (That sounds really lame, but it was a good story regardless…and I was like 15…)

Their relationship went through the normal cycles…

Getting to know you -> flirtation -> undefined relationship -> somewhat stable relationship -> passionate phase -> trial based on trust -> somewhat stable relationship -> growing distant pahse -> trial based on trust part II

Diverged road of: lasts forever or it’s over

During their relationship, Orlando gives his girl a ring that has the phrase “My sunlight, my storm, my star” engraved on it to commemorate their journey together.

Is that not the perfect phrase to describe passionate relationships?

My sunlight -> I make myself blind to anything you do because being with you is a frivolous escape from reality AND/OR being in your presence makes me feel calm and “cared about” (I would say loved but but that usually doesn’t show up in passionate relationships. There are exceptions but it’s usually “infatuation”.)

My storm -> you make me question myself more than anyone ever has. My feelings about you are always turbulent and never serene

My star -> despite it all, I consider you to be a beautiful unreachable thing. I want you, but I know that’s not possible

Note: Passionate relationships aren’t usually good. They can feel like heaven when you’re in them, but they can just as easily feel LIKE hell. (especially when it’s over)

Related quotes

“She’s not the best, but it’s all that I know”
~ Another Again John Legend

“Why can’t we just trust each other? You can’t hate me and be my lover.”
~ Again John Legend

Actually…all of Again.

(LOL shoot a lot of Mr. Legend’s song address this issue…)

. . .

(and I wouldn’t mind have a passionate relationship going on with him…shoot…USE ME! I WANT IT! I WANT IT WILLINGLY!!!)

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