We need a resolution



I stayed up all night last night cramming for a test only to find that it’s not until Thursday!


I have to say though, I did enjoy myself. All nighters are kind of fun and show that I can be productive when I want to be. Not only did I read two 300+ page books, I also wrote a 4 page paper!

Perhaps it’s good that it’s Thursday, lol. One of those books was kind of iffy.

The paper was quite interesting though. It was a bit sacrilegious in that I might have spoken against my sorority and BGLO’s as a whole, but it’s good to question the institutions you’re a part of, right?

It was basically about how the social activism of BGLO’s fizzled out with the rest of the civil rights period.

Marintae that.

Am I right? Am I right.

I was thinking, at Tech especially, BGLO’s haven’t had a widespread campaign for anything worthwhile in the last 15 years (other than the internal issues ie. Stomp the yard, hazing, etc.)

I know at Tech, members of BGLO’s founded the Office of Minority Education and Development and the ever so political African American Student Union. They used to hold demonstrations, bring people like Louis Farrakhan to campus, and even threatened the administration with riots for rights!

Now we have book clubs, paint houses, and have dinners for the already privileged college campus.

Da hail?!

No, no, no. This is not what we’re supposed to be doing, not exclusively at least. I think on the international level, we should stop being so passive and start being ACTIVE. Instead of sending letters to the government, we start awareness campaigns with the people so they can vote in people who support us. (Perhaps we can spearhead the Obama campaign). Shoot, we should be running for government offices ourselves! Make changes that way! We should start lobby groups and make an impact that way. It’s all about money anyway…and dues are mighty expensive…

At Tech we should run for SGA positions, sit on institute committees, do more than hold rallies for ourselves, we should be about ACTION.

And that’s not even Greeks, that’s all Black Student Organizations!


(LOL I’ve been talking ot my militant Soror too much)

That was generally what the paper was about (but more eloquent and general) it really made me think. I almost wish I could stay at Tech for another year so I could oversee a revolution.


Perhaps I can just plant the seeds.

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