Monday Observations


Dude in Library Wants Me

Okay not REALLY, but this dude who was about 48 tried to talk me up in the library today. The conversation was very similar to yesterday’s except it did not end with an exchange of phone numbers. I was like,

Alright Chester…nice to meet you (and backed away whilst covering important body parts).

Preliminary Graduate School Search Prompts shock

I had no idea grad schools were so competitive! Most of the programs I’m looking into only take like 15 people!

I was like, well dang!

Either I’m going to have to make at least one new digital piece a day for my portfolio, or I’ll have to find someone to sleep with! (I keed, I keed…)

Connect with Tech does not like black people

For real! There were 0 black people at Tech’s little recruiting weekend. I was sitting at a Greek Life table ready to answer questions and I saw no people that looked like me.

FOR SHAME! I guess we’ll just have to wait until Black people weekend…


So yeah I feel that I have a new drive in life. This past weekend, our African American Student Union held its annual Black Leadership Conference. I was SO IMPRESSED by how well it was run and how beneficial it was to go. I learned so much and really honed my focus on really what I want to do once I graduate.

One of the presenters was a lady from Coca Cola. She mentioned that she was in their Talent Acquisition Department so I thought I drop my resume by her. We chatted for a few moments, and she told me about a division of Coke that is specifically for Multimedia. They create websites and promotional material for campaigns and products. That’s perfect for me, right? I really didn’t know major corporations had divisions like that! I thought it was something they used contractors or advert agencies for!

So that’s promising. At least I know my skills can be used in corporate America.

THEN I got the idea about graduate school. I always thought about going, but I had no idea what kind of grad degree I wanted. The tried and true way would be to get the MBA, but I honestly don’t want to do that. I thought it would make more sense for me to get a MFA (masters of fine arts) in something like maybe Digital Media…then later down the line if I wanted to do movies or anything like that, I would have the expertise. I feel like it would make me more competitive because a lot of the design jobs require that you know programs like Maya (what The Sims or some CGI movies were crafted in) or other 3-D modeling and animation programs.

I suppose I could have done that here at Tech, but it would require me to stay here for another year…I ain’t for that!

So I feel better that I won’t graduate to no purpose now.

The ultimate dream would be to work for several corporate companies’ creative divisions then make my way to becoming the Art Director for some major advert corporation…like the chick in Boomerang.


Maybe one day…

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