

You know you want it

Well I guess…

I wasn’t going to say anything about what today is just because…it’s cliché to say V-day is lame…

But for real…V day is no longer fun once you get to say high school or so

I mean think about it…

Elementary School…V-day = CANDY!

You used to look forward to cake and candy in class, making Valentines boxes for your valentine booty (cards, candy, etc.), setting that special one aside for that boy/girl you like…plus that’s maybe two hours out of the school day where you don’t have to do work.

Middle school…V-day = Popularity contest


Enter Valentines Grams. Pay a few quarters and get a message and a blow pop delivered to a friend during last period. If you don’t get one, you are an utter failure at life.

I remember I spent 10 bucks one year….most of them were for me though. I liked blow pops.

High school…V-Day = “…”

This is when the “fun-ness” of the day starts to taper off. Nothing really happened…maybe there was usually a dance or something…I don’t really remember. I blocked high school out of my mind.


Flower booths in the student center/union. People are usually REALLY into it or REALLY not.

You start to hear V-day being called:

“Love Day”
“Single Awareness Day”
“Sex is pretty much guaranteed day”

I mean…I actually don’t have an opinion either way. It is what it is.

Though if I had my own personal male, it would be a “Happy KaNisa Day” which would be a day in which we celebrated how wonderful I am…

. . .

*blink blink…


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