Annoyances of the Moment


Is anyone else annoyed by this “Freedom Writers” movie? It seems like there are 5 million movies about a teacher who “defies the odds” to help some inner city/dysfunctional kids. To Sir With Love was the best! The rest just needed to not be made.

Facebook/My Space/Blackplanet are also somewhat annoying. There are both good and bad at doing what they’re supposed to do (keeping in touch with people and promoting events/too much information and more opportunities for spam.) I’m thinking of quitting Facebook again personally…

Nick at Nite! They bring back shows that you used to like from back in the day, have week long marathons and huge promotions, then once in regular rotation, the show comes on at 4 in the morning. (Okay that’s just a Different World, but still..) Growing Pains is premiering January 21. It’ll be interesting if they keep it playing at a normal time…

(Mmm hmm…you know what that will mean…)

I think I’m ready to evolve from blogging. I’m finding that after all these years, I don’t have much to say anymore. I suppose I’ll keep writing entries for a little while, but only until I have the new personal site ready. I think the focus of will still be me (lol) but I think it will be more about what I’m interested in rather than what I’m thinking (ie. Cultural influences I’m interested in). I’ve always been about exposing people to things they haven’t seen or just haven’t really looked into…so yeah…we’ll see.

This Stomp the Yard movie…really? They could have easily just made the step teams generic. Why did they have to be Greek? While it’s nice that they will promote Black Greeks…even though stepping is a minuscule or even non-existent part depending on your chapter…(especially recently if you’re an AKA in this region but I won’t go there)…it is so lame that they turned it into some kind of You Got Served. I mean realistically…have you ever seen two BGLO “battling” in a step show? I think the closest thing to that is strolling, and it still isn’t even THAT close.

Will I see it? Probably not. But once again I don’t generally like movies like that either. You Got Served was seen only because I was babysitting a B2K fan…and as previously mentioned (about the Freedom Writers movie), I’m not a fan of MTV (or similar) Productions.

ETA: Alright isnt’ techically an annoyance, but someone made me aware of the following gossip:

John Legend got involved in a row with his own fans at a gig this week, according to a report.

The singer had agreed to perform an aftershow at Sound on Leicester Square following his show at Brixton Academy on December 28, but was forced to pull out when organisers decided he wasn’t in a fit state to sing.

A source told The Mirror: “John looked glassy-eyed and unsteady on his feet when he arrived around midnight. So the promoters decided that his younger brother should play instead.”

The newspaper claims that John was furious when disappointed fans started to boo his sibling.

“John was incensed,” the source added. “He grabbed the mike from his brother and told the crowd to ‘f**k off’. Then he laid into them, saying they should show respect.”

Hmmm…sounds shady to me. I don’t think he was even in London on the 28th as it was his birthday and he was in New York.

BUT I did say something wasn’t quite right with him a few weeks ago…

Time will reveal.

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Movies, movies, movies…


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