For everything else…


1921 Current gamer score as of January 3, 2007 (Thank you bishes.)

5 Number of pounds gained under the new booty and breasts plan. (10 more to go!)

198 Number of emails received since December 16th.

25 Number of websites/design projects worked on in the last month.

10% Creative capacity left in my brain.

120 Number of dollars paid from those 25 projects (by the way, that’s only two people paying. NO MORE FREEBIES!!!)

Being at school with no overhanging assignments due (design related things not-withstanding)…


My new years resolutions are going quite well. I ate quite healthily over the break. Yesterday. Ladies and gentleman. I ate Mustard Greens for the first time.

Pause for effect.

ME! Ms.”I live off cookies and Krispy Kremes!” Ms. “the only beans I eat are jelly beans!” Ms. “all the vitamins in the world won’t make up for this nasty taste!”

And you know what, I liked them!

My parents were in shock as they watched me watched me eat. The last time they saw me put vegetables in my mouth voluntarily was when I was about yea-high and didn’t know any better.

All for the cause…

Times really are changing though. Usually when I unpack my things when I move back to Atlanta, I ALWAYS set up the “super computer” (that’s what I call it) first. This time though, I set up my Xbox and left my computer abandoned. Before I suppose it represented fun and an “escape from troubles” now it’s the deliverer of emails, complaints, work requests…

After finishing a few drafts, I shut off the computer, ignored all phone calls, and devoted the afternoon/night to playing co-op games with people on the xbox. It was funny because I kept getting matched with middle school kids…their parents were all, “okay this is so & so’s dad. We just got this xbox live thing and want to see what it’s all about.” I made the mistake of being helpful and they sent me a friend request and started asking questions about security and everything.

I was like…


I suppose all the video game playing has made me regress a few years myself as these entries have had no substance as of late, but dang it, only a few more days of irresponsibility left…I’ll start acting my age when I’m required to!

Quote of the day: “I ain’t got to do nothing but stay Black and Die!”

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