Tuesday Observations


Vintage 80 Movie Sparks Nostalgia

– I’m watching The Neverending Story right now and lil Atreyu starts really pronouncing his words when he starts yelling….”ARTEX! YOU ARE SINKING!” LOL…

– I want an Auryn

– They should definitely remake this movie. It would be awesome to see what a modern day version would look like with all the technology we have now…

Radio Discussion Piques interest in new career paths

I was listening to the radio on a field trip to “the city” today. They were talking about lying in relationships. Here was a scenario:

A woman called in saying that it’s better to tell selective truths. Before she was married, she was an “escort” for about 5 years. During said 5 years, she had about 3 or 4 calls a night during which she had sex.

3 or 4 calls. 5 years. That’s over 5000 dudes. She even said she really did work and have sex with these dudes almost every day!

Her issue was that the man she married throws it in her face about her past and that she wishes she’d never told him. I think he would have figured it out anyway since you could probably throw a football through her vagina, but he should not have married her if he couldn’t accept her for who she was.

Am I right? Am I right.

Another topic on the show was “decoy date” businesses. For the uninformed, these people hire out attractive males/females to test your partner’s loyalty. While they are illegal in some states (falls under entrapment) it seems like it would be fun to do.
Though if you get to the point where you have to send someone to find out what’s going on, the relationship is probably already over.

Here are a few websites for the interested:

Mate Check PI

Article about the Mate Check Services

Astrological Similarities found in family

Alright I admit it. I believe in horoscopes, but only the quality ones. Astrocenter.com and Penny Thorton’s Astrolutely are the ones I endorse.

My oldest sister and I both fall under the sign of Taurus. I’m on the Aries cusp while she’s is very solidly Taurus. I was trying to see ways in where we are similar since we’re twins (supposedly) and I think I can say…

She’s an extreme version of KaNisa 2006. Por ejemplo…

My sister rags on me in the same way I do others to I really care about (ironically). She’s SO obnoxious and thinks she knows everything about everyone.

I snapped on her today and she quieted down, but man I learned my lesson…NEVER AGAIN!!!

. . .

Or at least, minimally.

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