Research suggests rampant American hoism


Okay well maybe that was a little harsh, but check this out! Or just check out these highlights:

Since 1940, 9 out of 10 Americans have had premiarital sex.

Among women born between 1950 and 1978, at least 91 percent had had premarital sex by age 30.

The study found women virtually as likely as men to engage in premarital sex, even those born decades ago.

Under the Bush administration, [abstinence] programs have received hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding.


I was both shocked and not surprised at all after reading this article. (Which was on the front page the newspaper of my church run city by the way.) Surprised because a lot of females act like they haven’t done anything, but clearly according to these statistics that is not the case. Not surprised because the males that claim to have extensive experience must getting that experience with more than just a few of the same willing participants.

So what does this mean for that 1/10 of people that don’t indulge? What is the perception of the 40 year old…or shoot, 20 year old virgins these days?

Here are a couple of opinions:

“This supposition [of the movie 40 year old Virgin], whether intentional or not, seems to mirror our culture’s perception of sexuality not as an act of intimacy between two people who love and remain committed to each other, but rather, as a necessary part of one’s intellectual and emotional development. In other words, without having sex, one is not fully adult; if one remains a virgin at 40, then he/she deserves both pity and derision.”

“I think virgins are nicer because for a couple of reasons. The first being at least you know you aren’t humping every dude in the neighborhood. Second there is no basis of comparison that is there is no one else to be compared to so if you suck or having off night no big whoop.”

“that is the pleasure of doing it to a virgin, no man sexed her before. It’s like being the first man on the moon.”

“Non virgins. Because after they get married, virgins will always think “What if I just tried it before to see what it’s like”.

I think virgins will be just too curious and have a higher possibility of straying in the future.”

A response to a 23 year old virgin:

“Some guys think virgins are a big turn-on and some a big turnoff. But that’s what a guy thinks of any woman — virgin or not.

You might not be in the majority, but that doesn’t make you any less desirable. In fact, it can make you more desirable. A man who won’t date you because you’re a virgin just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand that virgins can be extremely sensual and sexual. It’s just that a virgin hasn’t found the right partner to share herself with in “that” way.

If anything, a guy could think, “Hmm, she must have a lot of sexual energy stored up.” At least, that’s another way to look at it.

Whatever you do, don’t let it hold you back. Too many times, too many women (and men) lie on their backs only to later want their virginity back. You still have it. Treasure it, and know that someone else will.”


Some ignorant/funny opinions:

“I think they like to think that they are going where no-one has been before. That way you have nothing to compare them to so they always seem great.”

Ummmm…I’m pretty sure a person will know whether the sex is good or not even if they’ve never done it before. That’s like saying, “ice cream will always be great to someone who hasn’t had it before…”


Thanks, ho.

“virgins don’t exist anymore”

how sad that people think that.

“i like virgins, its that essence of inocence that draws me in”

Scary. So you want to de-innocence someone? (I know that’s not a word, but you know what I mean).

VAGINA’S are sexy! I don’t care if they’ve been plowed or not!



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  • December 20, 2006 at 7:54 pm

    It’s sad how much ppl have devalued their body and just give it to anyone. And ppl shouldn’t blame it on television or music cuz I watch and listen to that same stuff and have managed to remain a virgin. It all starts at home with your parents teaching you love and respect for yourself.

  • December 20, 2006 at 8:53 pm

    Well I don’t know. I don’t think people are any less than what they are for indulging. I think people do it and don’t do it for different reasons. Maybe it’s sad when people indulge just because of peer pressure or whatever else, but if it’s something that you’ve decided to do, then you’re the one who as to live with that and any consequences that may result.

    I can say that for me, my reasons for withholding aren’t necessarily because of how I was raised, or even for a good reason at all other than just holding myself to a standard that says “i am not every girl.”

    Debarge was speaking for me when they said: “What worked so well for you before. For me it just won’t do…”

    For me, nobody has been worthy enough yet. Whether that person will be my husband or not remains to be seen. (Though I would prefer it to be my husband.)

    It would be unfortunate to be 30 and unplowed though. I suppose I’ll have to become a statistic by then if there is no marriage in the meantime…

  • December 20, 2006 at 10:30 pm

    I was in 9th grade when I had my first experience. And it was solely due to everyone else already having sex and me feeling like a weirdo. If I could go back and re-do it, I would have waited til my senior year. At least at that time, I know I loved my mate at the time. Keep holding out Kanisa!


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