The tragic story of NaKisa

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It’s been a moody weekend but since I decided not to gripe too much on here, I just didn’t write at all for fear of sounding pessimistic about life.

I do have a tale to regale to you all though.

It’s called:


Based on a true story.

Once upon a time there was a young woman named NaKisa. Every year, she goes on a pilgrimage to her practitioner to make sure she will one day be able to bear children.

This year was no exception.

Upon arriving to her destination, she uncomfortably sat among others of her kind (for the most part). I say for the most part because those of her kind were of the Caucasion Persuasion and were in various forms of pregnancy and/or were male. Since NaKisa looks much younger than she actually is, she was subjected to stares and people who looked at her like this:

After many agonizing minutes, she was finally called back to an examination room. A nurse instructed her to disrobe and adorn herself with a ceremonial robe. The robe was special in that it had a gaping hole in the back for easy access to her goods.

After dressing herself, NaKisa wearily sat in a chair positioned far away from the torture table and awaited the arrival of her practioner.

While she waited, she noticed a tray that was positioned near the torture table. It was covered in various medical equipment including a generic form of KY Jelly as well as other various torture instruments. Just as NaKisa was hiding the rectal examination equipment, the practioner entered the room and engaged her in small talk.

“How are you?” “What school do you go to?” “When do you finish?”

All while the practioner began the preliminary handling of NaKisa’s goods.

Then, came the moment of truth. NaKisa was told to assume the position.

I won’t go into the details, but the poor girl was violated in many ways.

I will say though that every year on that torture table, she becomes even more affirmed in her quest keep her “tunnel of conception” locked and well guarded.

Only ONE “locomotive” that is well proportioned and “driven” by a VERY lucky VERY worthy “engineer” who is committed to “park” in the “tunnel” FOREVER will have access.

Because man…that tunnel…ain’t nothing getting in…HAIL NAH!!!!

The End.

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1 Comment

  • December 19, 2006 at 11:52 am

    I totally concur. Everytime I go, I realize why I’m on lock down. Good grief!


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