Misadventures in the po bug

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Ya’ll I’m about ready to be done with this contraption…

The Po Bug

So, let me tell you the latest chapter:

A few days ago, I noticed that the power light on the dash lit up on my way back from work. Usually that means there is something wrong in the battery/alternator area so I took note of it and opened up the hood when I got back to campus. The alternator belt was pretty much shredded somehow. I remember thinking that it looked bootleg when my dad put it on a few weeks ago but I supposed he knew what he was doing.

wrong. WRONG!

So I had a babysitting gig last night. I know the car would run for a little on pure battery power, and didn’t want to inconvenience anyone so I decided to take chance and go for it.

Got lost on the way there as she lives in the boonies…

Car started smoking…

And shut off whenever I pressed the clutch and braked…

So there was a whole lot of rolling stops, praying, and exclamations of “DRIVE BISHES!” (actually I was saying the real word last night) when people were taking their precious time to go at green lights.

I left my car at the prophyte’s house last night in hopes of coming back with AAA the next day.

Fast forward to today…

SO a very nice person gave me a lift to the po bug and I called AAA for a tow at approximately 3:40 PM. They assured that someone would be there in the next hour.

4:30 Got a call from AAA. They said they dispatched a truck to come get me.

4:46They were running late but I was reading anyway so I gave them a few more minutes.

5:00 Called the Prophyte to see when she’d be back as it was getting cold outside.

5:15 Called AAA. They said they’d call me back with the status of the pick up.

6:00 After no response, called AAA once again. “No one will come get you because of the traffic. We’ve tried 16 different companies. We’ll let you know when we find someone.”

6:15 Prophyte calls to say she’s seconds away and to meet her at her front door.

6:30 Prophyte’s dad helps to replace alternator belt. (I knew how, but I and a couple of people I’d asked for help didn’t have the strength to turn the bolt).

6:45 Got car started, canceled them AAA bastages and attempted to travel back to campus

6:50 Got stuck at street crossing where selfish A-hole drivers kept blocking the intersection so I couldn’t get out.

6:55 Car shut off and rolls back (I was on a hill)

6:56 jumped car with handy start kit

6:57 pulled back up to the intersection and tried pull out

6:58 Cars ignore me still

6:59 Car shuts off again. AAA calls and says they’re five minutes away. I inform them that after waiting for three hours I called AAA back to cancel the request. (while thinking I might need them after all)

7:00 Rolled the car back down the hill

7:01 restart car

7:02 Find another way toward campus a few streets over

7:03 car shut off ONCE AGAIN… (Luckily I rolled into a gas station)

7:05 filled up the tank while I’m there. Dude offers to buy the bug and I SERIOUSLY consider it before common sense kicks in and tells me my father would murder me.

7:10 Turned the key, car says “F that” and won’t start again, even with the kit.

7:20 Rolled to a parking spot, purchased a hot chocolate and considered my options.

7:25 Commenced fist shaking at my car when realizing how I was literally 100 yards away from my designated parking spot

7:30 decided to call someone for a jump. (I suppose I could have asked someone around, but they were kind of shady looking and I was cute.)

7:45 person came and jumped me and suddenly everyone around us wants to help, bishes. (Well…before I WAS looking like I was about to ROB the store as I was loitering and eying people wearily)

8:00 Drove the car to my parking entrance…car shut off…rolled the rest of the way to the parking spot.

8:02 Praised god and fell to the ground, elated to be back home.

Oh and for those who didn’t know, IT’S FING COLD OUTSIDE AND I DON’T HAVE A HEATER!!!

It’s an hour later and I’m just beginning to feel my toes…

But oh well. I got a little frustrated at times, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. In fact, I felt strangely calm when I was but millimeters from rolling back on a lovely Lexus that decided to ride my ASS…phalt on a hill.

It has definitely been a character building afternoon/night…and I am a much better person and driver.

LOL rolling around atlanta in neutral with no engine running DURING RUSH HOUR takes skill!

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1 Comment

  • April 11, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    […] up the rpm’s. Drove straight from work with a prayer down to meet my Dad at the swap spot (had the exact same symptoms with the po bug back in college, though the cause was different). He raised the idle rpm and added some bearings for a squeaky […]


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