Holiday Getting Booty Music


DISCLAIMER: Please excuse the following entry. I’m realizing that the reason I never linked to my journal from facebook was because I thought people would be shocked at what really goes on in my mind. However, I’m beginning to care less and less what people think about me. If you don’t like it, then…poo on you.

In fact, I disclaim the previous disclaimer.

Why do they have sexy Christmas songs?


I was adding my songs back to my playlists and came across some relations related ones. I mean…somehow these songs sound somewhat sacrilegious. I know relations aren’t illegal, but to relate while people are singing about the holiday of the birth of baby Jesus just seems wrong, right?

Am I right.

Let’s explore:

Let it Snow Boyz II Men

This groove is entirely too smooth to have family around drinking eggnog and what not. This is strictly for listening to with your significant other. This is PRE-STROKING MUSIC! This is I’m getting you in the mood girl get READY music. This is woo-ing so I can TAP THAT music…

I’m just saying…

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Luther Vandross

Luther wasn’t slick. This song also has high WAXING levels. Actually his whole Christmas album, “This Is Christmas” is all baby making music! How you going to talk about, “have yourself a merry little Christmas” with your voice all low and smooth like that? That ain’t even going to work. That’s the CD you keep in a box at the back of your closet for those hard tim….

Lord forgive me…let me stop. LOL!!!

Really though, I love Christmas music and those two are among my favorite songs. But those two will also be ones that won’t be played when I’m not spending the holidays with family (future husband included). That would be TOO depressing to be listening to such music when you’re alone for that time of year…

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