Dating up? Down? All around?


So I was poking around the innanet looking for nothing in particular and came upon this picture:


It’s Getting Serious

(The red ex is my emphasis, lol).

I saw this lucky lady and immediately thought of one my LS’s. She always poses like that with people and she is one of the prettiest, SWEETEST and most innocent people ever. If anyone hurt her, I would emasculate them. If any female hurt her, she would be tore up and dismissed.

John’s extremely blessed woman was described in this way:

“I know johns girl and she is one of the sweetest, kindest people anyone has ever met. She is isnt one to exploit her relationship to further her career. Notice most pics of her and john are taken once inside the venue, where she feels a little more comfortable, as opposed to the red carpet. Thank god they are too involved on living on cloud nine with each other and their families, to allow this kind to get in the way of their relationship.”

The craziest thing about this article was the way people responded to this photograph. I’ve taken some of the comments for your perusal…and by the way, these weren’t even the worst ones:

“The reason why John is with this Brazilian sista is manifest on this board. When a talented Black man knows how to dress, act and carry himself well, you ghetto Black females automatically think he’s “gay.” I might add his music’s good too, none of this 50 Cent thug shit you worship so much. When the man pops up with a BANGIN’ female who’s worthy of his status, now you’re crying. All that money he’s making and he ain’t spending it on you, which is the real point. But he’s gay anyway, right? Guess the joke’s on you, bitches. African-American women are their own worst enemy.”

“The perception of Black women at the very least is lame and at best inconscequential. STOP hating, I love the big BLACK Ghetto Arse, but I only really need a handful, so I love my orientals. Sex is about pleasure not pain, rather than date a Black woman, I would go to the gym to bench press, which is tad bit easier than lifting some of the ghetto fabulous thighs you black women have.”

“i love white girls too! black girls don’t listen! I know brotas is a piece a work too but, you guys have to humble yourselves and then you might can find a good man! “I don’t like him because he’s not attractive” Please! Women from other races don’t think like that, and that’s why they have men!”

“Let’s just keep it real about the why brothas want to date anybody but a black woman once they get some money and status. This is a keep it real moment. Our first sexual experiences and fantasies for the most part were centered around non-black women; manifested in daddy’s and uncle’s porn mags and movies when we came across them growing up as young boys. So deeply ingrained in our minds from the time we can remember is that fantasy. I have been a black male for 36 years now, and have had many discussions throughout my life with brothers regarding this and it rings true for a great deal of us. Also the “forbidden fruit” aspect of it that has always been there.

So once we get some cash and influence, it’s the first thing we do. To live out that fantasy, period. Any brother that denies that is lying not only to you, but to himself.”

“Your writing, grammar, and evident lack of writing skills is just another reason why educated Black women like me will not lower our standards just to be with black men. I don’t know if you’re a man or not, but I guess you did as well as you could, given the status you were born into…

I find it so interesting that ALL of the white women that I know, and several that I’ve spoken with casually, all have complaints about their black men! From physical abuse, lack of funds, insecurity and never-ending anger(both seem to stem from being a black man in the U.S.!), lack of opportunities, lack of a college education, histories of unemployment/or underemployment, and the list goes on and on! Its a well documented fact that there are more black men in prison, than there are black men in college! Why the hell would even the average sista want to be bothered with this underclass!

I know that I don’t! WHITE MEN RUN THIS S*IT, and I will choose a WHITE MAN over a BLACK MAN any day…John Legend, et al, included!!!”

Common Sense Response:

“Wow. All this hatred and ignorance over one celebrity photo.
A picture is a moment frozen in time. From it, you cannot determine:
1. John Legend’s sexuality
2. The relationship between him and the young lady
3. What color/shade of skin he prefers
4. Whether he has dated dark women or not
5. Whether or not he “supports his own” (WTF?)
6. What his or her intentions are
7. The dating habits/preferences of all Black men
8. The characteristics of all Black women

If what someone posted earlier is true, that 98% of Blacks date and marry each other, then what 2% are some of you morons basing your judgements on? That’s right, you are basing it on celebrity images. The majority of Black men with Black women that you pass on the street, you don’t give a good rat’s ass about. But as you see a photos of some interracial CELEBRITY couples, then the whole world is going to hell in a handbasket! Stop gettin’ all mad until you have the facts. How many Black men in your neighborhood are dating/married to white women? Not alot I bet.

How many women in your ‘hood are ignorant “rap video dancers”? Not many I bet. OK then. So stop eating everything the media feeds you. It’s bullshit. Here is a suggestion; grab your single girlfriends and do a cross-country drive and meet Black men in other states. Go to a Black rodeo in the midwest! TRAVEL for God’s sake!! Instead of trying to prove your negative outlook right, prove it WRONG!! Because unless you can honestly say that you have met every single Black man and woman on Earth, then you have no damn right to generalize. Isn’t that what white folks have done to us all these years?

And as for JL and his girlfriend, maybe it’s true and maybe it ain’t. Maybe after the picture was snapped, they were more lovey-dovey. Or maybe this is their special “arrangement”. Who knows? Only time will tell. In the meantime stop wasting YOUR time.

Like Samuel L. Jackson said, “When you make an assumption, you make an ASS out of U and UMPTION!”

Man I was just hatin’ that he had a girlfriend, LOL!!!

What do you all think about all this?

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