M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N spells Michigan!


Man I swear, everything that comes out of Michigan is Golden.

I mean, we got Motown, cars, me…

I was poking around the gossip blogs today and happened across a discussion of the origins of one of my favorite groups, Debarge. It just so happens that they along with the other family project known as Switch are out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. I always thought songs like “I Call Your Name” and “Stay With Me” sounded like they were sung by the same people, but I never made the connection.

I tell you! We Michiganians be running thangs!

Except when it comes to voting…

Michigan voted to restrict affirmative action yesterday. For the uninformed, here was the proposition:

Proposed amendment to Michigan Constitution would “prohibit the University of Michigan and other state universities, the state, and all other state entities from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.” On June 23, 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, ruled in favor of affirmative action in the University of Michigan’s admissions policies. The Bush administration opposed the university’s pro-affirmative action admission policies.

All because Becky was mad she didn’t get accepted into UMich and supposedly colored people who weren’t as smart as her did. Hmph!

(Okay that was a really broad and ignorant remark forgive me)

Personally I’m split on the issue of affirmative action. I don’t want to be judged by my color, but by my ability. However, I’m also aware the affirmative action programs offer opportunities to those who wouldn’t normally receive them.

But since this passed, I wonder what universities in Michigan will be like.

My sister went to UMich for undergrad and while there she encountered a good bit of discrimination both from professors and other students. I’m sure it has gotten better recently as UMich now battles with Tech for minority dual degree majors. We’re losing out to them especially with dual degree transfers from the AUC. I wonder if that will change with the new rules.

Time will reveal!


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