A Beautiful Day


It has been such a beautiful November day.
This morning, popped in volume one of Prince’s “The Hits” and bounced down the highway to work. This time, the class I got my mentee out of was watching a movie. I really didn’t have much to go over with her today so I was going to get her and let her go back to class early until she told me they were watching Crash. That just canceled ALL my plans. That’s a movie everyone needs to see.

I sat with her in until the teacher came back in and heard profanity. (I don’t know what they expected…the movie IS rated R.) He turned it off and decided that Maury was more educational for them to watch. He turned it on and left the room again.

It was about 13 year old prostitutes.

After 10 minutes of seeing this pitiful woman roll around on the ground about cry how badly she raised her daughter, the teacher came in just in time to hear another 12 year old talk about the joys of whipped cream.

He dismissed the class to the gym.

Gotta love the Atlanta Public School System.

I organized a game of Gotcha among the girls. After whipping on them for a while, (I play a mean game of Gotcha) I just supervised. It was fun! Some of those girls a really talented! I don’t know if they have a girl’s basketball team, but they should…

Popping a Jackson Family CD into my CD/MP3 player, I made my way back toward campus. Me and the po’ bug were GETTIN’ IT to Michael Jackson’s Speed Demon! The traffic was parting I tell you!

I rolled up to Krispy Kreme blasting Never Can Say Goodbye and had the cars behind me and front of me singing along too.

It was a great morning.

 In other news…

 My 360 finally started “writing” in it’s blog. It’s not accurate though. I was definitely raising my blood pressure for about two hours while playing Mortal Kombat yesterday. I hope it becomes more accurate in the future.

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