You Learn Good


The thing I hate most about school is a lecture.

I cannot STAND lectures because I find them boring and sometimes unbearable. Before, I thought I just had a short attention span, but I recently took the VARK learning styles questionnaire and discovered that I am a mild Kinesthetic Learner.

“Tactile/Kinesthetic persons learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.”

Sounds good to me! In lecture I probably won’t remember anything if I don’t find it interesting and I’ll have to do everything within my power to stay awake.

I thought I would share a page I doodled on in an excruciatingly boring class today.

DISCLAIMER: Events are somewhat embellished. After all, I. am. The. Best. And. Most. Attentive. Student. Ever…

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