Is that what’s cool in the world today?


Noticed a few things this morning at the high school where I meet my mentee.

10th graders today think airbrushing their boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s name on a track suit is the thing to do these days?

People that don’t have apple bottoms still wear those kinds of jeans?

You’re allowed to talk on your cell phone and send text messages in school?

Fanny packs are in again?

Minnie Mouse and Tweety are the hotness now? (It’s the hotness to wear a Minnie Mouse/Tweety outfit?)

“Jumping fresh” is coming to school with a dirty suit and sneakers?

The “in crowd” wears Baby Phat and other various urban brands?

It’s the “bomb” (okay that word might be outdated) to have your boyfriend’s name written on one of your fake extra long finger nails? 

Afro puffs are the style?

Has it been THAT long since I’ve been out of high school?

(Albeit I was one of three black people at a predominately white private school, but still. I feel like high school style has regressed to the eighth grade.)

In other news…

It’s effing cold in Atlanta. Normally I love this kind of weather, but I don’t have the proper attire. I’m going to have to make an emergency run to walmart to get some unions (what you know about that) or something for these cold mornings. I wonder if they even carry them down here in the south. What might they be called? Long underwear? Thermal underwear? Knowing me, I’ll probably have to get mine from the children boys section. It’ll be like GI Joe or something, LOL…

 P.S. BECKY! Today is NOT the day to wear your strappy sandals! Keep them ishts in the closet!

P.P.S. John Legend’s new CD is not the hotness. I really had to scrape to get these two songs and they’re not even that great…. 

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