New Arrivals


It seems that a certain popular store by the name of Wal-Mart has opened a new location on Howell Mill.

It was kind of funny. I was sitting in the NSBE office discussing possible NPHC Retreat ideas and someone came in and announced that today was the grand opening. People came running down the hall like, “for real?! LET’S GO!”


So three or four cars worth of people rolled out to see what we could see.

Of course we got there only to discover that there were no free food opportunities. After that disappointment, everyone just got some groceries and left.

But it was an experience!

In other news…

First day back to classes this week was somewhat productive. I got roped into doing leading a volunteer team for the weekend. When calling the organization we were working with, the lady had the NERVE to get an attitude with me! I was like, look lady, I’m helping YOU out. Shoot, I only just found out about all this today! You probably know more than me! Relax, relate, release!

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