Hump Wednesday


Oh gosh…

Drama returns as usual.

It seems there has been some shifting in leadership which has placed more responsibility on my shoulders in a certain organization that shall remain nameless. It would be fine, it would be great, if people handled their business and didn’t put everything off on me.


Super KaNisa to the rescue I guess.

Not much going on life wise. Young Grasshopper called last night listing reasons why I should date 19 year olds like him. Shortly thereafter he began to complain that Hampton is anti-booty (meaning it’s tougher than usual for him to get some with all the restrictions they have there). He is an entertaining little fellow, but I’m not ready to be all Stella (though he’s technically only two years younger, it’s a bit different when you compare a freshman in college and a senior in college…)

Am I right?

I mean, I don’t even date people my own age…

In other news…

Homecoming is coming up next weekend. I don’t know if I’ll even attend our events though, especially since it’s also Morehouse and Spelman’s homecoming next week. The premise looks pretty nice with their hot little website…

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