Monday’s Result



Horoscope 2 Me 0

The day started out okay. I was planning on observing my mentee today in her class as it was one she complained about frequently, but when I got there, the teacher said she needed a minute to talk to me. Turns out my mentee came in crying that morning. I took her to our little talking place (with me praying every second that no one close to her died as I don’t know how to help people with that) and asked her what was up. She had her head down and wasn’t saying anything, but after a while I goaded her into telling me. I won’t go into detail as it’s not necessary to delve into, but I really hope girls start to travel in PACKS in those neighborhoods. It can be really dangerous, even in small groups.

After the fact, I told her to always keep her head up no matter what comes her way and we read through and discussed the poem If by Ruyard Kipling among other things…(btw, facebook is still the devil).

Got back from work feeling down because of the state of young people as well as because of some relationship status information due to that dang Facebook. Took a nap, went to class…
Got multiple text messages about recent sorority drama followed by a phone call from a once close friend turned evil prophyte who once called to see how life was and now only calls to complain and demand action about some new thing that’s somehow my fault…

I think that’s what upset me most about today. We used to be so tight. We were AKA interests together, I helped her with her process, she was there for me throughout the ex situation that whole summer after, and during the initial AKA drama. As soon as I got in though, it was no more, “hey how are you.” It was, “you need to do this, that, you better do this…I don’t care about whatever…” I don’t even know why I pick up the phone when she calls. I guess part of me wishes that the call will be about her asking how I’m doing instead of some new thing to make me feel bad about myself. Sisterly indeed…

Funny though. My line sister called to ask about something and detected the attitude in my voice. She asked if I was mad at her, but I wasn’t. “Loved ones may therefore think that perhaps you’re ill, or upset, or even angry with them.” It’s just been one of those days.

To take my mind of things I drove around searching for a Sally’s Beauty Supply for pampering hair products. (Well I had directions, but they were somewhat vague). I eventually found one and got a few compliments on my car. After returning to campus, I turned off my phone, signed off aim, and deep conditioned myself while studying and writing papers.

Regardless though, yes the horoscope for today was once again accurate. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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