How Sad…

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Got a call from Young Grasshopper from this summer. Turns out he’s going to be a daddy to his crazy ex girlfriend. I don’t know why he called me about that I told him to leave that crazy girl alone. She’s 18 at home in New Jersey and he’s 19 at Hampton and she was trying everything she could to keep him…

Guess she got at least one tie that can’t be broken.

Still a shame though.

I saw so much potential in this guy. Not to say that all hope is lost, but I really did try to at least make some kind of positive impression on him. I hope some of it still remains…

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1 Comment

  • October 7, 2006 at 10:21 pm

    That’s a shame. I hope he remains in school and doesn’t move closer to home for the sake of the baby and then end up messing around with the baby’s mom. This sounds like it’s gonna be a mess.


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