“First day of school here we go!”


“We’re ready to learn, to get some knowledge.”

It’s seems like there are 530 million people on campus this semester. I know they were saying that we had a huge freshman class this year, but dang!

They are cute (in a puppy dog way) with their little maps and eager expressions though. Just wait a few weeks newbies, then you’ll be shocked and offended like the rest of us.

Today has been pretty eventful.

I was updating my computer through the night and received an email from the office of information technology (OIT) saying that my internet connection had been disabled. Turns out I’d been unknowingly sending out spam. I noticed the computer was extra slow, but I just thought it was because I needed updates. I visited the OIT office and they sent me on a scavenger hunt to get my stuff turned back on. Luckily, 12 anxious hours later, they scanned my ‘puter with several spyware programs and corrected the problem.

LOL it’s funny, I hate for other people to be on my computer, I was standing nearby feeling possessive while they checked on things (which by the way I knew more about). I was also annoyed that they sat and watched the filenames of every program on my computer….it felt like an invasion of privacy…

In other news…

Did anyone catch the Katrina special on HBO?

There’s always a conspiracy theory…(if you didn’t see it, people were saying that the certain levees were blown on purpose to save the more affluent parts of New Orleans.) It was mentioned that such a tactic was done back in the day with hurricane Betsy. I was talking to my mother about it as were on the phone watching it together and she said that was bs. (She and my dad were born in N.O.) I’m not sure what her opinion is about how Katrina was handled though. She tends to have extremely conservative ideas so I was almost afraid to ask.

The special said that people from other countries were there to help before our own government got there. I can’t believe that people didn’t help because of economics or race, it just seems to unbelievable to even consider… I really want to believe that people just didn’t know what they were doing, but after watching that, hoever propganistic it may be, I’m not so sure…

It was absolutely amazing to see those images, especially in real life. On our way to Louisiana earlier this summer, we passed through Biloxi to see the damage, and man, it looked like a war zone. Houses were completely gone, the coastline was pretty much deserted, I’m surprised the casinos even get business…

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