

I really enjoy going to work. Today the whole staff came in for a meeting before the mall opened. Turns out Sunday meetings are just putting up new promotional things. The camaraderie between everyone is really great albeit unprofessional at times. I mean, some of the topics of conversation are out of control, for real, from people’s experiences with drugs and alcohol to what happened last night at the strip club complete with profane words and everything.

I was shocked! Though thoroughly amused.

A couple of things I learned/heard:

The male translation of Blockbuster night is “Ballbuster” Night.

It’s common for females to use males for free meals and entertainment.

One of my co-workers and his wife are swingers.

There are places in Japan where you can have custom made Nike’s. (Where they measure your foot and you can pick out designs and colors and all that.)

One of the managers thinks me and “Young Grasshopper” are going to hook up.

A co-worker thinks I need a “Ray Ray” in my life to “break me off.”

I heard two co-workers go on and on about “juicy Georgia peaches.” (They nasty.)

“Your mother’s rectum is so cavernous that it could easily accept the passionate penetration of…” yeah.

“Yeah I went to {insert name here’s} birthday party. All these white people there all drunk, man, they forgot I was black…talking some shit…I was glad I had my gat on me…”

And they were all sober too.

There’s going to be a road trip to Tallahassee at the end of the month to visit the district manager for his birthday. I can’t even imagine what these people are like with alcohol in their systems…

Fastest three hours of my life.

Some people should really keep certain aspects of their life to themselves though, for real…

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