Part Ray Ray Part Ambitious Black Person

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Had an hour long conversation with “Young Grasshopper” about how special his girlfriend is. Oooops, I mean his EX girlfriend, but the way he goes on about her, she seems pretty current.

He says he felt bad for cheating on her with some chick a while back so he feels like he doesn’t deserve her, but he’s still in love with her and wants to buy her a ring.

He wants to do other people though and feels like that would be cheating if he did…

Even though he isn’t technically dating this chick.

Kind of like a “Where I Wanna be” by Donell Jones kind of thing

I had a headache after that one. There were lots of moments when I put the phone down and did some chores around my room while he continued to talk.


It was interesting seeing the other side of that situation though. I mean, no one has even come close to giving me anything like a promise ring, but I mean the whole situation where a dude “cares about a girl” enough to break up with her so he wouldn’t have to technically cheat on her again. I was giving him the female point of view of the situation.

It’s interesting though, I asked if he wants to marry her one day and he said he did. He was ready to buy an engagement ring but only had 1500. I was like, maybe you should buy her a promise ring instead and wait until you have a real job for an engagement ring and also so you can wait and be sure this is what you want to do since you’re not even in college yet and don’t even know who you might find there.

My gosh, this dude though SO MUCH EXPERIENCE FOR AN 18 (OR HOWEVER OLD HE IS) YEAR OLD THOUGH! I was like, “where do you do all this?!?!” he said usually the girl’s place or in his room. (His mother bought him an electronic lock for his door after walking in on him and a girl in on the living room couch. “We would have gotten to my room eventually,” he says.)


I really am taking him under my wing.

I suggested he go to the health department for some tests. SINCE HE’S NEVER HAD ANY BEFORE…


He’s my strange little experiment, part Ray Ray part ambitious young black person…

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1 Comment

  • October 8, 2006 at 10:43 pm

    […] Got a call from Young Grasshopper from this summer. Turns out he’s going to be a daddy to his crazy ex girlfriend. I don’t know why he called me about that I told him to leave that crazy girl alone. She’s 18 at home in New Jersey and he’s 19 at Hampton and she was trying everything she could to keep him… […]


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