Thin line


Terrible. Just terrible.

There is a fine line between something being funny and something being inappropriate. Consider the following lines from a movie I just watched:

“Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate.

“Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is good,
Every sperm is wanted
In your neighborhood.”

Amusing right? Now let me tell you the context of it:

It was a statement about how back in the day, Catholics didn’t believe in abortion or using birth control once married. The song was sung by the children of a very large Catholic family, say 50 kids or so. The father had come home from work saying he’d been fired so he couldn’t afford to feed them all. For money, he was going to sell the kids for science experiments.

Still funny now?

Mmm hmm.

In other news…

Got curious and talked to a free psychic today. I didn’t really learn anything I didn’t already know. She says I’ll be “lucky in money, love, and success” toward the end of the year, but I think that’s smack talking. She also said I’ll be engaged to someone in 08.

All that would be nice, but I highly doubt it. Not sure if I believe in psychics (except, well, Sylvia Brown) I’ll keep my eyes open though just in case.

Geek news of the day:

My new motherboard came in. It’s an Athlon. Supercomputer will be untouchable soon. The world. ain’t. ready…

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