I heard a Luther Vandross song earlier today. Still can’t believe he’s gone from us. It’s so strange to think that someone you grew up listening to is gone so soon. They’re supposed to be alive and making new music to make children and even grandchildren to until they turn into old chester’s like the Isley brothers.

There are only so many true “hawking” singers around now that are still doing their thing, and even they have been around for at least a little while. You have Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, Toni Braxton…and of course I have to throw Patti in the mix, even though her singing sometimes passes for screeching and always makes me cringe.

Shanice also has a great voice, but she’s never on anyone’s radar. Her album a few years ago, Shanice, was incredible.

Lauryn Hill can get it, but she needs to be a little less weird and not get ahead of herself when singing in public. Her recording of “His Eye is on the Sparrow” always brings tears to my eyes.

Tamia back in her old days was good. “You put a move on my heart” days. Now she’s too hippity hoppity.

Beyonce has the capacity, but she needs to do more than make booty popping music.

Mayyyybe Heather Hadley that sings that “in my mind song” has potential. At least she sings.

Step it up ladies! It’s time stop admiring your predecessors! Step into their shoes and write your names in the history books! We got babies to make and emotional situations that need articulation!

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