

Pretty okay day today.

I am in desperate need for a visit to the hair salon, the Biotin must be working because my hair has grown half an inch in that last four weeks. Four or five inches to go!

To cover the need to get a touch up, I asked my mother to braid (plat? Cornrow? I don’t know what people call it) my hair. I added the infamous ponytail and had a nice no nonsense style that emphasized the beauty that is me.

I decided to do a test at work today too. I wore make up and a fitting skirt to work to see if my sales for the day would be better…and boy where they…

I sold more subscriptions and reserved more games that I ever have! People even came in the store to tell me I looked nice! Ones of the Caucasian persuasion included! This one dude was all:

Dude approaches…

“Hello sir! Can I help you?”

“Nah. I don’t play video games. I heard people talking about you (!) and wanted to see what you looked like for myself.”

“Uh…okay…” (scary)

“Can I get your number?”

The standard rejection was applied, but I was somewhat flattered that word of my legendary cuteness was spreading amongst the South Georgia hoi polloi.

(Leave me lone! I promise I’m not that vain, I just needed an ego boost since my self esteem down the tubes at the moment. A female is entitled to compliments every now and then right? It’s just been a while…I’ll be back to normal next week…family reunion in Baton Rouge this weekend and I was thinking I’d spread legends between there and New Orleans as well with the help of cousins…my family truly is legendary down there…)

In other news…

One of my managers is leaving to manage another store. I’m kind of sad because he is constant entertainment with his volunteering of TOO MUCH INFORMATION when the store is slow.

Today, when a kid wanted to buy a game called Darwinian, he got all worked up and said we shouldn’t sell it to him.

I was all, “why? It’s not rated M or anything.”

He underlined the word “Darwin” with his finger.

I was all, “and…”


“What about it? Isn’t it an arcade game?” I grabbed it and read the back.

“I don’t believe in that Darwin shit.”

“Or really? Why is that?”

He explained the he believed in the Bible version of how humans came to be and was shocked that I didn’t believe that too. It’s not that I don’t, I just think our time and God’s time is different. A day could be a couple of hundred years in God’s time.

When the store was empty I was like, “so I guess you don’t believe in gay marriage and letting immigrants stay here either then.”

He said he didn’t and that two gay dudes getting married was disgusting, and once again surprised that I thought it was okay.

Now if you’ve read my journal lately, you would know that I hate the idea of two dudes being together sexually too, however, I don’t think it’s the law’s place to take away the choice for people to make that decision. That would be like being put in jail for disobeying your parents or working on a Sunday. If that law passes then where will it end?

After conceding to my opinion , he totally went off on a tangent saying two women together is “hot”. Now I knew he and his wife were swingers before just because of hearsay, but he found it necessary togive me the lowdown today. His wife is bi-sexual so they find other women and couples to “visit”. He also told me that they have been messing with one couple from a nearby city and the woman caught feelings for him. Now she calls six times a day, leaves dirty messages on his phone, and all kinds of things. His wife is ready to jump on her (in the I’m gonna get you sucka kind of way)

I was like HMMMM….I just wanted to know your opinion about the gay marriage laws dude, you didn’t need to tell me all that…

It’s interesting to hear about people’s lifestyles that are different though. I couldn’t do it though myself. Ain’t nobody getting pleasured by my man but me!

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