Today for You, Tomorrow for Me



Back in the day when the fam took road trips, we stopped maybe once for bathroom breaks even if the trip was 10+ hours. “Hang it out the window,” was a common saying (even though only daddy has something to hang) because he would only stop when someone was 5 seconds from using it on themselves, and even then, it would be a “pull over to the side of the road, use a leaf, and hope it’s not poison ivy to wipe yourself” kind of situation.

These days though…we stop 468 times. A 7 hour trip turned into a 10 hour trip. We had to stop for gas three times, stop to use the bathroom, stop to eat, stop to get a watermelon in every state we passed through…I was like, “can we not go through a drive through?” and “We have watermelon at home!” Even I was wanting to tell people to hang it out the window! (But such things are not appropriate to say to ones’ parents…)

We did make it though (finally) ….just in time too. Snacking on cracklins (what you know about that?!?) on a stomach filled with fast food is not a good idea…

The tradition of my father continuously handling “his boys” as he drove (boys meaning the family ‘jewels’ and ‘sword”” was fulfilled. I opted for sitting in the very back of the SUV so it wouldn’t be close to my viewing area.

That’s nasty!

In other news…

I didn’t mean to come of badly about my mother’s family the other day. While they were doing some questionable things, I can’t say I wasn’t at least a little amused by their antics. My alcoholic aunt was making the funniest expressions, and my abused aunt was so innocent and humble (at the age of 45) it was refreshing, even though her low self esteem was ill gotten. Some of their kids do have my mother’s “rebellious” mentalities and are doing well for themselves.

Oh! Here is the booty picture of the aforementioned cousin:


Doesn’t really do her justice thoguh.

I also the think the family is branded with a certain look. Check out these pics of my younger cousins…

No denying we’re related…

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