The House Where Dreams Come True


KaNisa! You just won 100 million dollars! What are you going to do!

Host points the mike in my direction and waits expectantly.

I’m going to…

Pay off my student loans!

*Crowd cheers.

My mother has been a loyal Publishing Clearing House customer for over 30 years. I always wondered how those sweepstakes people got their money, but I think I’ve figured it out. Mother always had random stuff come in the mail like sew on hem strips, hand held sewing machines, or flashlight key chains. I think they con people into buying their junk under the pretense that it helps their chances. It’s a travesty I tell you.

100 million dollars though…what would I do with it…

For real the first thing is pay of those loans.

Next…I’d buy my mother a new car. She’s never had a new car for herself in her life, and since she’s putting me through college despite my father’s attempts to cut me off, she deserves the whole world.

I’d give my parents 5 million, 2.5 million per contributed gamete.

My sisters would each get 2 million.

10 Million to my church.

1.5 million to the national sorority and 1.5 million to my chapter.

For the national sorority, funding should go to undergrad initiatives only. As it states in the purpose, one of the main focuses is to maintain a progressive in COLLEGE life. I think some people forget about that small tidbit..*grumble grumble…

For my chapter, it would be that most of said funding will be used for dues/intake fees. If it happens that new members are invited and make it in to be a part of my chapter, then they won’t have to pay intake or national dues while in undergrad and for two years after graduating. However, to receive post graduation funds, they must be an active member (and I mean for real active as in doing things) in their chosen grad chapter. The other part of fees are for official sorority business only (ie regional fees, sending people to Boule, etc. not buying outfits for step shows or anything like that. ) I’d have a close eye on the usage of my money…


I’ll just say I’d have a million set aside for them and they’d have to write a detailed proposal anytime they wanted money. Good business practice.

500,000 to my chapter of NPHC.

100,000 to my chapter of NSBE.

1 Million to a Georgia Tech Endowed Scholarship in my name.

1 Million to my old school in Mississippi as they were so good to me. (for real! The people there were, ironically, the best friends I ever had!)

1.5 Million to the extended family bank account.

10 million to invest in my video game store domination strategy. (I ain’t tellin’ what is either! It might be in the works one day!)

10 Million for charities.

3 Million for investments.

15 Million for myself (cars, houses, trips, male servants (lol), etc. )

The rest for my future spawning and their spawning and their spawning …which none of them will get until they turn 30.

(Of course after all that, there won’t be that much left (about 40 million), but they need to not be lazy and have jobs anyway…)


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