Today’s Observations & Random Trivia


Went to work today. It was pretty slow as it was storming pretty hard outside, but I did notice a few things.

First though the random trivia….

Did you know Whitney Houston originally got the part of Denise in The Cosby Show? She didn’t sign the contract though because it was required to be available for every episode and she wanted to pursue a career in crack music.

Big League Chewing gum is still the isht.

My mommy gave me a nickel,
To go and buy a pickle,
But I didn’t buy no pickle,
Instead I bought bubble gum…

For the uninformed. Big League Chewing gum is a special kind of gum that is shredded to look like chewing tobacco. I could never get the right amount of this gum…I always overshoot it and end up with a big wad of sugary goodness. I tell you though, the flavor lasts and lasts and lasts… Half the pack is gone though even though I just got it today…

15 Year Old Male Makes Purchases from Victoria’s Secret.

Why? I know most males become sexually active around 12 or so, but you’re buying Victoria’s Secret for some chick already? Really?

When I did my trademark MMPH, Mmph, mmph, my boss asked what offended me. I said nothing, but he followed my line of sight anyway. He said and I quote, “someone’s getting busy tonight!” I was horrified. “That boy couldn’t even buy a mature game a minute ago. He has no business trying to be grown and buying people lingerie.” Boss said, “maybe he’s dating someone older,” and I was all, “can’t be too much older, then it’d be statutory rape.”

Boss is convinced that if I have a son, they’ll be gay and/or afraid their penis will fall off if they even think about having lascivious thoughts about a girl…

But he also frequently gets customers’ phone numbers even though he’s married with children so I don’t really care what he thinks.

Sorry…lol *Toning down male hate

Black males are drawn to sports games

99% of the black males visiting the store today did one or more of the following:

1. Stop at the 360 to play/watch someone play NCAA Football 07
2. Pick up and read the back of Madden 07

It never fails. Whether they are Ray Ray’s, fathers, or seemingly upstanding penis holders, they all have that habit.

Three ways to tell if a male is talking to a female on the phone

3. There is a notable change in voice tone (more flirty/masculine…ny)
2. He stays on the phone for more than 7 minutes.
1. He says, “I’ll call you back let me get out of (the mall/the store/any other random place)”

All characteristics were displayed by a male fulfilling the theory black males and sports games. (He was playing NCAA on the 360 and later picked up Madden to see what it would be like.)

Kids younger than 14 should not have a cell phone.

I swear I saw too many kids with cell phones. What do they need them for? I could see why you’d give your kid one if they started driving or something like that, but your 11 year old doesn’t need one, seriously…same rule applies for laptops…

Man has too much money on his hands

A man came in today and paid for a Premium 360 system and three brand spanking new games (Retail value around $600) in cold hard CASH. I’m talking 6 crisp 100 dollar bills! I was like “GOOD LAWD! WHERE DO YOU WORK AND HOW CAN I GET MONEY LIKE THAT?!” You would think that maybe he saved that money up or something, but the way he threw the money down like it was change proved otherwise. His son even bought a few computer games with a few hundred dollar bills from his wallet. Which reminds me….

Kids have too much money in their hands

It’s a frequent occurrence when kids come in with 100 dollar bills to pay for things. “Well KaNisa,” you might say, “maybe their parents just gave it to them while they were somewhere else in the mall.” Nuh uh child, most of the time that’s the kid’s money because they’d try to buy a Mature game and can’t get it because a parent isn’t with them. Man, I WISH my parents let me handle that kind of money when I was 10! I don’t think I’ve ever been in possession of cash like that. I’m too paranoid! Debit cards for me!

Male pats head in the “I’m about to get a touch up so I can’t scratch my head” sort of way.

You know how females pat their heads to avoid burns during perms? Well I saw a dude do this whilst exhibiting black male sports tendencies. Have I been out of the loop or am I right in thinking that this isn’t a normal male mannerism?

Alright I think I’m done for the day. Interesting day today. I’m sure though that this proves I am desperate need of a social life as today has been the most social day in months even though I was just observing people…

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