Lifestyles of the Wannabe Cultural Adventure Person (pending the acquisition of funds to do such adventuring)


Sorry about the last entry I just needed to purge some things. I thought I would write about something normal to show I’m not completely suicidal…

One thing I can’t complain about is my lifestyle and tastes. I think of myself to be more classy than secular. Institutions can’t get by with just being ordinary with me.

Clubbing? No thanks. Going to the mall? I’ll pass. Going to the movies to see the latest blockbuster? Mayyybe. Depends on what is though.

With money and a companion, I like doing cultural things. I enjoy the theatre, and try to make it to Fox Theatre at least once a semester (that stuff is expensive for a po college student!) The last time I went, I saw Alvin Aliey. I also enjoy going to jazz concerts, art museums (I’m a member of the High Museum), and animal exhibits (zoos, aquariums).

I want to learn how to play golf (well). I’ve never made it past the driving range though. Those clubs are heavy!

I like going to the movies, but I prefer the more intellectual or book adapted ones to mindless blockbusters. For example:
King Kong? No
Lord of the Rings? Yes.
City of God? Yes
Superman? No
Pirates of the Caribbean? Guiltily yes, but only because of my favorite actor (Johnny Depp) and Caucasian Persuasion Eye Candy (Orlando Bloom)
Soul Plane? HAIL No
Devil Wear’s Prada? Yes
Anything with the Wayans Brothers in it? No

With Music it’s already known that I love smooth jazz, R&B and oldies. I also like pre Britney Spears era Pop (like Sting, Phil Collins, or Bruce Hornsby) and alternative (like John Mayer). I intensely dislike Rap, Hip Hop, and modern “R&B.”

I’m an avid reader. The genres range from African American Sociology to Fantasy. Favorite books include but are not limited to Dostoyevsky’s “Crime & Punishment,” Lewis’s “Chronicles of Narnia,” and Nella Larsen’s “Quicksand” and “Passing”. Guiltily, I also like some Dickey books, “Friends and Lovers” is my favorite.

I also read Japanese graphic novels (otherwise known as manga). I’m not as avid a reader as I used to be, but my favorites are CLAMP’s “X”, Takahashi’s “Sailor Moon,” and “Ranma ½”. I’m currently reading Kare Kano, which is a bit of a guilty pleasure…but whatever.

For Domestic Vacations

I don’t like Destin. I thought it to be presumptuous and crowded. I wasn’t impressed by the “emerald waters” (which weren’t really emerald) and the “exclusive resorts.” They weren’t that nice. It seemed like a perpetual college spring break kind of place to me. Instead I prefer Key West because it’s more laid back and quiet. When I go to a beach, I want to just relax and enjoy the beauty and peacefulness. There truly is emerald water there and you can spend time diving or golfing…very relaxing.

I also like going to places like Savannah, Charleston, or the Amish farms in the Midwest. It’s very interesting to visit places with such rich histories. The last time I went to Savannah, I went on an African America History Tour. One of the first black churches in the country is there. On the pews, different tribes made marks to mark their sitting areas. You can also see a hiding place in the basement that was part of the underground railroad.

For International Vacations

In regard to beaches I think the Caribbean is very nice, but it’s also overdone. For a tropical vacation, I’d rather go to somewhere more exotic like to the South Pacific, or even the islands in the Indian Ocean.

As far as other places, I’ve always wanted to go to Jerusalem, (though I think that’s out ruled out now), Rio, (there are some attractive males down there!), Cairo & Alexandria (such great minds there), New Zealand (no where in particular there were some beautiful vistas on LOTR so…), and on a cross continent tour of Asia to hit all the spots where my favorite authors were.

So in summary, I’m a think outside of the box kind of person who finds pleasure in the unordinary (for most people).

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