

What do you think about psychics, really?

Personally, I’m not sure if I believe in them. I think most of the time, they say generic things that could apply to anyone like, “I see that you are disturbed by someone close to you,” or “I see that you are troubled at this time.” Who would that not apply to?

Regardless though, at work one was giving out free readings so I thought I go have myself a look-see. Here’s what she said: comments

By the 23 of the next month I’ll have love & peace of mind

Whateva. Interesting time frame though. Classes start on the 21st of August.

She predicted the shopping trip I’m going on next week and said that I’d run into an old friend who will give me good news, but I’ll take it the wrong way.

Urm okay… o_O

She asked if I knew someone named Alex and said I should stay away from him.

I don’t know anyone named alex. I told her as much and she said I”d meet him soon.

I asked her about one of my sisters and issues she was having. Didn’t learn anything new in that situation, but I relayed the information to her anyway. She needs all the help she can get.

Then she asked about someone who’s on my mind a lot. I’m not going to go into what she said about that though. I think she was pulling it out of her butt-tocks. Unfortunately, despite me trying to change the subject, she used up the rest of my free break minutes talking about them. I honestly didn’t prompt her to go on that tangent, but she was adamant about trying to tell me things…

I guess she wasn’t sensing that I was there to talk about ME. Plus her grammar was atrocious. (Not saying mine is always correct, but she was extra bad.)

I don’t know though. I always get curious about the future especially when I’m not feeling so great about life. I’m not sure it’s good to know that future though. If something that you want is predicted to happen, and it actually doesn’t, then…

Actually, I guess that isn’t a reason…people’s expectations always go haywire.

I don’t know. I guess…I think it’s better to remain ignorant and have no expectations then to have them not be met.

I just think some of the things she said were…hmm…

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