Well Alrighty then…



Remember my little chat with “Cleo” the other day?

Remember how she said I should stay away from a person named Alex?

Well…guess who I met today. Rhymes with phalex.

Turns out I did know who he was. He works at Ryan’s (or at least he frequently wears a Ryan’s shirt) and periodically comes in the store to flirt and ask for my phone number. I periodically (okay well more like regularly) turn him down.

Today he came differently though. He handed me a jewelry box from one of those random mall kiosks and asked me out. I asked if he was joking. I didn’t mean to be mean, as in “are you joking you don’t even have a tenth of a chance” (even though he doesn’t) but I meant it as, “are you for real?” Regardless though, he took the pre-rejection well. He stood and attempted to complement me saying things like “you look sexy as hell today…with that skirt…pretty feet…damn” and molested me visually.

I felt violated.

“You know, women with self respect are not at all moved by a male who “compliments” (I added the finger quotation marks for emphasis) them that way,” I said, “I think I’m offended.”

“Oh you don’t like dudes telling you you look good?”

“Oh I do,” I said, “but I prefer comments that are respectful. From what you’ve said, I can tell you aren’t that interested in me.”

“Oh I’m sorry then. I’ll be more respectful next time.”

Ten minutes later he came back with a ring and offered it saying, “to show you that I’m serious.”

I laughed and told him he was silly and he left.

So I guess that’s the Alex I’m supposed to stay away from.

I’ll have to be extra careful when commuting to my car I guess as some males don’t take rejection well. I have been worked up lately though. Sometimes I wish someone would try something with me. I’m getting tired of using my Tae Kwon-do skills on punching bags…

It was really strange though to realize that “Cleo” wasn’t randomly making things up. I really thought the Alex thing was completely random. It’ll be interesting to see what other predictions of hers come true…

Another male also took a special interest in me today. Here’s a picture of him:

Okay that’s Little Richard, but I swear, he looked just like him. Gerri curl, mustache, and all.

I saw him walk from across the food court and straight to the counter to talk to me. I was felt bad for inwardly making fun of him when he turned out to be a nice man. Plus he let me sell him a hundred dollars worth of merchandise so I couldn’t complain….at least until his questioning me made the line build up and I had to tell him to move along.

Not too much else happened today other than suppressing urge to call someone I shouldn’t be calling. Also, on the drive home, three songs came on the radio that I was thinking about in passing…almost like I willed them to come on…and they related to that other person “Cleo” was talking about.

All very weird…. O_O

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