Do You Believe Me or Your Lyin’ Eyes?


Richard Pryor was the man…

Is Carly Simon a man or a woman? I’m not entirely sure, and you can’t tell by listening to her/his songs as back in the 80’s everyone was singing three octaves higher.

Regardless though, that song “You Belong to Me” is so…what do the kids call good things these days? “Fire” or something like that?

That song is “that fire.” From the first couple of notes…it has a “that’s my jam” quality to it.

In other news…

Work today wasn’t too bad. Young Grasshopper from way back when came by for a visit. He’s back from college with a bigger head than ever. He’d called last night regaling his wild times/fights/conquered females but I had to rush him off the phone. I’d forgotten how much he rambles…and I promise he says “like” about 50 times in maybe 15 minutes.

It was nice to see/talk to him though. It’s always nice to have ego boosters around.

I’m going to miss my job…especially the perks. We have this thing where employees can check out games and movies for “employee education.” I didn’t really take advantage of it like I should have, but it’s still a great perk…it’s a bit like free movie/game rentals. Today I checked out Chappelle’s Show Season 2. For education…of course. Might have to use a certain DVD watching method I learned from a friend on this one…mum’s the word.

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